Site news
December 15, 2023
March 23, 2023
Shallow Aseismic Slip in the Delaware Basin Determined by Sentinel-1 InSAR
Earthquakes from oil field wastewater
May 19, 2022
January 28, 2022
2021 Charles F. Richter Early Career Award: Seyed Mostafa Mousavi
The Richter Award recipient is Seyed Mostafa Mousavi, a research scientist at Google and an adjunct professor at Stanford University. He is honored for his innovative work developi
June 11, 2021
May 03, 2021
April 27, 2020
Stanford researchers create seismic stress map of North America
The Earth’s crustal stress field controls active deformation and reflects the processes driving plate tectonics. Here we present the first quantitative synthesis of relative princi
April 23, 2020
Stanford researchers explain earthquakes we can’t feel
Researchers have explained mysterious slow-moving earthquakes known as slow slip events with the help of computer simulations. The answer, they learned, is in rocks’ pores.
August 21, 2019
Lessons from Pohang: A Stanford geophysicist discusses geothermal energy’s earthquake problem – and possible solutions
A geothermal energy project triggered a damaging earthquake in 2017 in South Korea. A new analysis suggests flaws in some of the most common ways of trying to minimize the risk of
May 23, 2019
Could Machine Learning Be the Key to Earthquake Prediction?
Predicting earthquakes might be impossible, but some experts wonder if tools that can analyze enormous amounts of data could crack the seismic code
April 23, 2019
Scientists Uncover California’s Hidden Earthquakes
Nearly two million tiny tremors could help explain the inner workings of key faults.
April 08, 2019
What can machine learning tell us about the solid Earth?
Scientists are training machine learning algorithms to help shed light on earthquake hazards, volcanic eruptions, groundwater flow and longstanding mysteries about what goes on ben
March 21, 2019
Researchers study Permian for answers on injection-induced earthquakes
Concerns about human-caused earthquakes could shake up water disposal in the oil patch. Seismicity and research into injection-induced earthquakes were the focus of a recent visit
December 13, 2018
Future of Everything - Greg Beroza
n The Future of Everything with Stanford School of Engineering’s Russ Altman, Beroza shares his insights on the future of seismology.
November 14, 2018
Researchers pinpoint future probability of damaging man-made earthquakes
Stanford researchers have mapped local susceptibility to man-made earthquakes in Oklahoma and Kansas.
September 26, 2018
After the Big One: Understanding aftershock risk
Geophysicist Gregory Beroza discusses the culprits behind destructive aftershocks and why scientists are harnessing A.I. to gain new insights into earthquake risks.
September 02, 2018
Stanford study casts doubt on the predictive value of earthquake foreshocks
A Stanford-led study questions previous findings about the value of foreshocks as warning signs that a big earthquake is coming, instead showing them to be indistinguishable from o
June 04, 2018
New map profiles induced earthquake risk for West Texas, New Mexico
A seismic stress map created by Stanford geophysicists can help predict which parts of West Texas and New Mexico may be at risk of fracking-induced earthquakes.
February 08, 2018
Small earthquakes at fracking sites may be early indicators of bigger tremors to come, say Stanford scientists
Stanford geoscientists have devised a way of detecting thousands of faint, previously missed earthquakes triggered by hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking.”
December 12, 2017